5 Signs of a Cheating Partner

Five signs your partner is cheating
Five signs your partner is cheating

Five signs your partner is cheating

Cheating can show up in different ways in relationships, but there are some common signs to watch for. It’s a good idea to gather more information before talking to your partner about their behavior.

Here are some typical signs of cheating, as explained by therapist Robert Weiss, that you might want to keep an eye on.

1. Secretive phone or computer use :

What else would your partner need to hide from you, other than details about a surprise birthday? If your partner starts using their phone and computer more often and becomes overly protective of them, it could be a red flag.

For example, if their phone or laptop suddenly requires a password when it never did before, that’s a warning sign. Or if they start deleting texts and clearing their browser history every day, that’s another sign. If they always keep their phone close, even taking it into the bathroom while showering, it’s something to be concerned about.

2. Accusing you of Cheating:

When someone is cheating, they may start accusing you of doing the same. This not only signals infidelity, but can also be a form of emotional abuse.

Rychel Johnson, M.S., LCPC, a mental health expert and licensed counselor, explains, “A major red flag is when your partner suddenly and strongly accuses you of cheating. This unfounded accusation often comes from their own guilt.

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3. Changes in Intimacy :

Cheating often leads to a drop in intimacy in a relationship. The partner who is being unfaithful might start avoiding or reducing close moments, or they could find it difficult to make eye contact or engage in physical touch. However, in some cases, the cheating partner may show more interest in sexual activity than usual.

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4. Change in Communication:

If your spouse suddenly stops communicating with you, it could be a sign of infidelity. You might notice they no longer share details about their day or ask about yours. Sometimes, they might even avoid arguments they would have engaged in before. Studies suggest that a change in the tone of someone’s voice, such as a lower pitch, could be a sign of cheating.

Paying attention to both what your partner says and how they say it can offer clues. You might also notice behaviors like stonewalling, where they change the subject to avoid a certain topic, walk away during a conversation, or make accusations to shift focus away from the issue you’re raising.

5. Mood Changes:

Cheating can make the partner who’s unfaithful feel frustrated, stressed, or disconnected from their spouse. They might have more mood swings or find it hard to handle stress and anxiety. These mood changes could also come from feeling unhappy or unsure about the relationship, which research shows can lead to cheating, especially online.

In conclusion;

These signs don’t always indicate a cheating spouse. There can be other reasons your spouse acts differently than before, including miscommunication or unrealistic expectations. Consider openly discussing your concerns and asking your partner to be honest in return so you can prevent cheating due to relationship dissatisfaction or work toward overcoming the pain of infidelity.

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If cheating is the case, there are ways you can work through the infidelity, including learning to deal with a cheating spouse and how to get past the hurt you may feel right now. Consider the following ideas:

  • Take time to process your emotions without denying them.
  • Discuss the situation in a safe place where you both feel comfortable.
  • Discuss what you need and want from one another.
  • Seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.
  • Prioritize and take care of yourself.
  • Try to separate or save your relationship based on what you both want.

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